Stay fit + ease aches and pains & prepare for birth in as little as 10 mins a day.

Stretch & Glow in an online prenatal yoga platform with weekly videos, interviews, tips and tools to help you stay fit, release aches and pains & prepare for birth in the comfort of your own home with Studio Owner & Prenatal Yoga Expert, Deb Young.

Why You'll Love Stretch & Glow

Tested by more than 3500 women worldwide - here are some of the reasons you'll LOVE our easy to follow online prenatal yoga program.


Easy to follow sequences to help you reduce lower back pain, ease achy hips & improve core strength.

Why put up with lower back & hip pain if you can do something about it?


Feel less afraid of giving birth. We'll share breathing techniques, active birth positions + tips to help you manage pain in labor. 

Forget the horror stories - and focus on what YOU can do to feel more empowered.


Save time with 24/7 access to yoga, meditation & breathing practices in the comfort of your own home.

No more hassles with parking, or missed classes - practice when it suits you.


Deb has a Degree in Physical Education + 13 years experience as a yoga teacher, Doula, studio owner. 

Deb will get you moving in a safe way to feel fit and fabulous this pregnancy.

"I had really bad sciatic pain and pelvic instability with my second pregnancy from 16 weeks. When I began using Stretch & Glow with Deb online, the pain dramatically reduced! It was fantastic to be able to do safe prenatal yoga from the comfort of my own home in my own time. Having Deb & the Stretch & Glow private facebook group helped to keep me motivated and accountable to ensure I was making the time to do the class. I loved the weekly themes as it kept me focussed without feeling overwhelmed. I highly recommend Stretch & Glow, no matter what stage of your pregnancy!"

Isabel - Naturopath
Byron Bay, Australia

More than just online yoga videos...

Weekly Program: Each week we curate a mix of short and longer practices with an overall theme to support your pregnancy.

Lesson Bank + Search Tool: Need to find a lesson for back pain? Or have a set amount of time to spare? With our search tool and lesson bank it's easy to find the perfect lesson.

Online Moms Facebook Group: In our fantastic facebook group we post playlists, tips and ask you questions about what you need. It's a great chance to stay connected and meet other women, announce your birth, or to give us feedback and make requests or simply let us know what you're loving about the program.

Extras: Playlists, book reviews, recipes and interviews with birth professionals are some of the other extras that you'll love about Stretch & Glow.

"I was really lucky to find and start Stretch and Glow when I was 18 weeks pregnant. At this point I switched from Studio Yoga to Yoga at home - the thing I loved most was the fact I could do the workouts at home (having a 2yr old and juggling work), i could practice inside, on my deck or even outside on the grass after a walk. Easy to follow with different levels and things to focus on I was able to continue working out my entire pregnancy (right up to 38 weeks). It helped me both aesthetically (great tone) and mentally (I felt empowered and equipped to embrace my labour and pregnancy even in the final weeks). Thank you Deb"

Clare - HR Manager
Sydney, Australia

Private Moms Group FB Community

Curated content, conversation starters, inspirational quotes + community.


Join the Stretch & Glow monthly membership today.

Hi there lovely! My name is Deb Young - I'm a yoga studio owner with more than 13 years experience as a yoga studio owner & prenatal yoga teacher and I'd love to help you to stay fit, healthy, active & confident during your pregnancy. 
These techniques worked for me during both my pregnancies, and thousands of my students over the past 13 years.

With my simple prenatal yoga sequences, you'll learn to stretch in a safe way to ease pregnancy aches and pains, learn breathing & relaxation techniques to sleep better & reduce stress and feel happier, healthier & more confident!
I have an Honours Degree in Physical and Health Education, have studied and worked as a Doula and have two beautiful kids of my own. Oh... and because I've run a yoga studio for the past 13 years with my partner Russ... EVERYTHING we share online at Stretch and Glow has been tried and tested by thousands of real women face to face. That's why I am able to give you awesome options and tips in every single lesson.


Join the Stretch & Glow monthly membership today.

"Stretch and Glow was fantastic! The supportive online community helped to keep me motivated and on track. I was able to revisit the lessons without getting bored. I highly recommend the coccyx release practice for women that have lower back pain! The breathing techniques (especially humming bee) helped me through my labor and allowed me to focus during contractions. I loved the support, variety & flexibility to choose by topic or available time. I loved Stretch and Glow. Deb is qualified and passionate mum for mums!"

Zoe - Health Educator
Wollongong, aust

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! In fact many women wait until pregnancy to try yoga.

We give beginner friendly options & key alignment tips in every lesson so there is no need to worry. 

We have a ton of gentle and short sequences that are perfect for 1st trimester moms so if you want to get started straight away then go for it!

If you are feeling tired or nauseous feel free to rest and try our relaxation sequences and then pick up the pace in your second trimester.

We've taken out postures that are generally not recommended in pregnancy (like lying on your tummy) and replaced them with pregnancy safe options.

We also give 2-3 options throughout each class for more challenging postures - so that you can practice in a way that feels right for your body.

Definitely! Most of our students practice right up until the birth of their baby. We've even had women attend our IN STUDIO classes while they are in labour!!!

If you are toward the end of your third trimester - we have a fantastic program that comes with our membership called "7 Days to a Better Birth" designed to help you get in a great headspace in those last few weeks.

Unfortunately we don't have a download option at the moment - you need internet access that allows you to watch video. 

Our membership is fully optimised for any device. Although we don't have an 'app'' we'll show you how to access the lessons from your phone home screen just like any other app.

Pain in pregnancy sucks! Around 80% of women will experience some type of lower back pain during pregnancy - so it's super common and excuse the pun - but we've totally got your back on this!

Our sequences are designed to help alleviate common pregnancy related aches and pains by strengthening & stretching key postural muscle groups that are most affected by pregnancy.

We give options for Sacro-Illiac Pain, Abdominal Separation, Lower Back Pain or Pubic Symphysis Disorder. Most of our students report that Stretch & Glow helped ease pregnancy related aches and pains.

Whilst MOST women who try our program find relief from common pregnancy related aches and pains we recommend that ALL women get medical clearance before trying our program.

Yes! Our lessons will help strengthen your body - which is key for a quick recovery. Our breathing techniques can be used to help you feel more calm during surgery.

Taking time out for yourself is a fantastic way to help foster the connection you have with your pregnancy and your baby - regardless of the way you give birth. We support ALL moms.

With so many free videos out there on YouTube, you might be wondering how Stretch & Glow is different? Well - for starters - there are no annoying ads!

Most importantly, you'll have a huge range of lessons that are suitable for your entire pregnancy.

Rather than just a random collection of lessons with different teachers - you'll get to know Deb as a teacher,  and have a chance to connect with other women through our private face book group.

You can also ask questions and request us to film lessons - so Stretch and Glow is like having your own personal pregnancy coach that you know, love and trust.

Yes! We've had lots of moms having twins say how convenient and nurturing our classes are.

We give various options throughout each lesson to 'make space' and 'rest'.

We recommend moms with multiples focus on our breathing, relaxation & easier sequences particularly in the third trimester.

And of course - please seek medical clearance before working with any exercise program.

From stay at home moms, to busy working professionals such as doctors, midwives, physiotherapists and even celebrities - our classes are suitable for all women who are passionate about a healthy, happy pregnancy & confident  birth. We've also been featured in the Australian Yoga Journal, Partnered Birth Beat (as featured on Shark Tank in Australia in 2018) a business that provides online birth education classes. We've also had our articles & program published & featured on mummy blogs such as Kidspot, NineHealth, Australian Yoga Journal + more.

We have JUST 3 SPOTS available for those that would like to choose a premium one on one coaching option.  This is ideal for women that want that extra personalised support.

The one off coaching package price of $299USD gives you access to 3 x 45min private sessions ONLINE with Deb via Skype.

You can use these lessons anytime within 12 months of purchase BUT you must have an active monthly membership. If you cancel your monthly membership - any remaining un-used private coaching sessions become void. 

Options on how to use your 3 coaching sessions: 

  • personalised prenatal yoga - we'll chat about your needs on that day and I'll lead you through a 30min sequence with some time at the beginning and end for questions.
  • partner class to prepare for birth - join with your partner and I'll show you some tips on how to support each other and work together in birth - we'll cover techniques to focus, acupressure + positioning so you both feel confident.
  • create a birth plan - we'll more like birth options really - we'll discuss what choices you'll usually have in different stages of labour and how to community your needs to birthing suite staff. 
  • prenatal for specific aches and pains.
  • postnatal (an active membership is required)
  • how to prepare for a c-sect
  • guided meditation for relaxation

OR you may have another suggestion!

This is a month by month subscription at $19USD per month. You can cancel anytime - we just require 24 hours notice before your billing date to allow us time to process your request. You can cancel your membership in writing via email. When you have your baby - just let us know so we can send you through our post natal options when they become available (late 2018). Some women choose to continue our prenatal classes in the post-partum period to ease back in.


Join the Stretch & Glow monthly membership today.

Incredible Value

Includes all our videos, facebook group & community of other moms + email support with studio owner, doula + prenatal yoga expert Deb Young. Post natal videos coming soon.




✔︎ Annoying ads

✔︎ Difficult to find what you need

✔︎ Waste time looking


✘ Online community

✘ Weekly email support

✘ Ongoing support & continuity with one teacher you can trust



Monthly Membership



 Great  value for moms who want unlimited access and community support


✔︎ Focus on one topic each week

✔︎ Avoid overwhelm

✔︎ Inspiring practices for fitness, sleep, aches & pains, birth preparation + more

✔︎ One weekly email


✔︎ Fits in and around your busy life

✔︎ Ease aches and pains

✔︎ Save time with search function

✔︎ Repeat your favourites anytime

✔︎ Range of meditation, breathing + yoga

✔︎ Ad free so you can focus on you

MINI COURSES (more coming soon)

Baby Moon Travel Course

The perfect mini course for those heading on a vacation or who work away from home. Travel specific classes.

7 Days to a Better Birth

✔︎ Perfect for third trimester

✔︎ Get in the right headspace for birth

✔︎ 20 min sessions to fit easily in your day

✔︎ Connect with your baby


✔︎ Meet other women

✔︎ Ask questions

✔︎ Share your experiences

✔︎ Educational articles



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See what other moms have to say about how Stretch & Glow has helped them stay fit, keep moving & improved their health & wellbeing during pregnancy.

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